Monday, September 8, 2008

BRITAIN'S Leeds County and Castles

KENT is a county in Southeast England. Today it borders Greater London, the River Thames, the North Sea, the Straits of Dover and the English Channel. Through the years the borders changed. The fortress and ports of Kent have been coveted by England for centuries. The coast has been a base for war ships. France, twenty one miles across the Straight, can be seen in fine clear weather from the White Cliffs of Dover.

1817– 1827 The notorious Aldington Gang smuggled stolen goods along the coastline. They brought goods in and out of the country crossing the sea to France.

Leeds Castle, Knole Castle, Dover Castle and Canterbury Cathedral are located in Kent County.

Leeds Castle has been a retreat for medieval queens of England. The castle is on an Island in the middle of a lake. Henry VIII turned it from a fortress into a royal palace.

Knole Castle is a magnificent splendor. The sprawling castle has 7 courtyards, 52 staircases and 365 rooms.

Dover Castle, a massive fortification, was used to guard the English Channel from the French and other enemies. The castle had 17 towers and many of them were chopped off during the Napoleonic Wars to provide artillery platforms, but the French did not invade the castle.

Canterbury Cathedral has been a scene for many royal events in history for over the past one thousand fourteen hundred years. It is the final resting place for Henry IV, his wife Joan of Navarre and Edward, the Black Prince.

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